5 Tips for Safe Driving This Winter

Dec 16 2020 | ZAYOUNA ADMIN


Roads in winter


Driving in the snow that comes with the winter season can be very daunting for some drivers. It can be very stressful and intimidating when you have to venture out onto the roads during a snowstorm or even after an overnight snowfall. As the ice, slush, and snow begin to accumulate, the dangers of driving become more likely if you aren’t adequately prepared. We’ve collected a list of helpful winter driving tips that will make commuting more comfortable and safer during the colder months of the year. 

Knowing When it Makes Sense to Drive

To begin, when the weather is looking rough, take some time to think about the reason why you are going out. Do you absolutely need to drive in snowy weather? Or are you just heading out because you are bored? It may not be worth it to take the risk of driving in the winter if you can avoid it. Order in food or put off your unimportant errands until a later date to avoid driving in the snow.

Clear Your Car of Ice and Snow

Your car needs to be cleaned entirely of snow and ice before you even decide to hop in and drive. It’s important to have unobstructed views from every window from the driver’s seat to ensure the safest possible drive. Brush your head and rear lights free from snow and ice, as well as the roof of your car to prevent anything from blowing back and obstructing other motorists. 

Get Winter Tires

If you’re driving in the winter, you need winter tires. You shouldn’t be going out in all-season or regular tires at all if it’s snowy or icy. Even just drops in the temperature can affect your tires. An article by wheels.ca shows that summer tires can harden at only 7 C and all-seasons at only -10 C. This means that your non-winter tires have less grip and flexibility as the temperature drops, while winter tires remain softer in temperatures as low as -40 C.

Keep Your Distance

The weather isn’t the only hazard when driving during the winter season. Other drivers can be the cause of accidents as well, and that’s why it is essential to remember to keep your distance. You’ll need a buffer zone and time to ensure you can stop safely on snow and ice-covered roads. Drive slowly and avoid slamming on the breaks last minute, so you don’t end up in a fender bender with other drivers on the road. 

Get The Right Team on Your Side
Winter driving can be tenuous. Sometimes the worst can happen and leave you injured. If you find yourself in an accident and need legal assistance, we are here to help you. The risk of getting into a motor vehicle accident rises during the winter season, especially if you aren’t prepared. Should you find yourself needing legal help this winter due to an accident out on the roads, please feel free to contact us.