Passed my G test in Guelph today!
Posted by u/brewboyeric Nov 30, 2023
It was probably like, 12 minutes total.
-I backed into a spot when I got there (recommended). Turn right out of parking spot.
-Turn left out of drive test centre on Silvercreek.
-Turn right onto Woodlawn.
-Continue past highway 6 on Woodlawn.
-Turn left onto Royal Road – be mindful of the train tracks!!! I have never ever ever seen a train on those tracks and yet today, there was a train. It wasn’t across the road, it was off to the side, but if there is one, make sure you stop. I didn’t think the train was moving and he said “heads up” so I stopped. After we passed the tracks he said “you didn’t see the train?” and I said “I did but it was moving so slowly I thought it wasn’t moving at all.” and for the rest of the test I made sure to REALLY move my head before and at train tracks to make sure I really looked around
-Turn left onto Speedvale
-Turn right on highway 6 – note, there is no yield sign turning right onto highway 6 from Speedvale; do not yield or stop (unless of course someone is crossing there). You enter into your own designated lane, get speed up to 70, and merge. I was not asked to do lane changes here because it was a bit busy, so I’m hoping that means instructors take that into consideration during your test and won’t ask you to do something when there isn’t enough time.
-Turn right/exit highway 6 onto Willow – there is a yield here, make sure to slow right down and look to see if anyone is crossing in front of you, look to your left to see if any cars are coming. I found this was a spot that you really need be looking all around because there could be people or cars in any which way. Just be mindful of that.
-Turn right onto the first street off of Willow: Marksam Road – this is a 40km area with lots of little side streets. Make sure to pay attention and look down the side streets as you approach them. Be aware of people in the residential areas.
-Turn right onto Speedvale.
-Turn left onto highway 6 from Speedvale – make sure you get into the right lane directly after turning left onto the highway – right lane is for driving, left lane is for passing. They may not tell you to get into the right lane, you should know to do it automatically. Do not turn into the right lane – turn into the left, then when it’s safe, move over to the right. MSB.
-Turn right onto Woodlawn from highway 6. – This is another kinda tricky exit, similar to the Willow one where there is a yield sign and you need to be looking for people crossing as well as oncoming cars. There is a very short exit lane on Woodlawn and you need to get over quickly. There were cars coming when I took the exit so I stopped past the yield sign and crosswalk, but before the lane started ending.
-Turn left onto Silvercreek. – this is a quick two-lane change between getting off the highway and turning left onto Silvercreek. Just be mindful and only go if it’s safe (I’m sure if there wasn’t room or it wasn’t safe they’d just have you go to Arrow road and into the drive test centre – this did not happen to me so I don’t know for sure, just a guess). Again, turn into the left lane and immediately get over to the right (if it’s safe).
-Take second right into Drive Test centre parking lot – make sure you go slow in the parking lot – 20km max. It’s easy to be excited that it’s over but maintain your speed. I also found despite everyone being there for the same reason, people just walked in the middle of the street, standing anywhere they wanted, or were running around, in and out of cars. Just be extra careful here, idk why people are so oblivious. He asked me to pull up into a spot, not back into one.
There was a situation when I was turning left from Woodlawn onto Silvercreek – I was the only one turning left so I sat in the intersection. The light turned yellow and I saw the oncoming car was slowing down. The instructor was not paying attention and didn’t see the light turn yellow and as I started to turn he very loudly yelled “STOPPPPP!!!!” And I slowed down but had to keep going because I was in the middle of the intersection. He then looked around and said “ohh haha I didn’t see the light had turned yellow, I thought this car was coming through.” So it truly wasn’t my fault and I’m just annoyed that he wasn’t paying attention enough and actually yelled – I get it’s a stressful job and I’m sure if that situation was real (and I just turned when a car was coming) I’d yell too, that’s scary AF. But it’s the fact that he wasn’t paying attention enough that he yelled at me is what pisses me off. It’s already so scary as a student/new driver to be taking a test like this, let alone when they yell very loud at you because they’re not paying attention. But anyway, it’s over now. Just something I had to vent about.
Truly make sure you check your rearview mirror, side mirrors, blindspot literally anytime you’re changing direction of your vehicle. Even turning right, you need to check your right blindspot.
The test was pretty easy, I went out for about half an hour beforehand and practiced driving the route. Just keep moving your head and checking your rearview and both side mirrors often. And be aware of trains!