Posted on Jul 19, 2018 VALLEY DRIVING SCHOOL

Motorcycles are awesome – they’re fast, they sound great, they’re maneuverable, and they are lightweight. The kicker is, all these selling features are also prime points for thieves who target the easy-to-move motorcycle. If an experienced thief wants to steal your bike, they’ll probably be able to do so.

Theft prevention for bikes is an important aspect of motorcycle ownership and one that’s growing yearly as theft prevention techniques advance. Most motorcycle theft prevention systems are relatively inexpensive, very effective, and give riders peace of mind when leaving your pride and joy unattended. In this post, we’ll share some of the most effective anti-theft motorcycle products on the market.


Perhaps this one seems obvious – a closed and locked garage is the best place for your motorcycle. This isn’t going to be an option for everyone, but it would be the most secure. Having your bike sitting in an open carport or in the driveway may seem safe because it’s on your property, but someone looking for a new ride won’t think the same thing. A closed garage will certainly deter a thief, and a locked and alarmed garage will almost certainly keep your motorcycle parked and where it belongs; in your possession.

If a closed and locked garage isn’t an option for you, your motorcycle can be hidden in other ways. Consider investing in a motorcycle cover so you can conceal and disguise the value of your bike from potential thieves. If they don’t know what’s hiding under the cover, they’ll be deterred from investing the time to scope out and take whatever is underneath.

Aside from literally concealing your bike, move it around so people and looming thieves can’t easily predict its exact location daily. This is particularly important for those of us who ride a motorcycle as a commuter vehicle. Try parking your bike in different spots each week so it’s not routinely left in the same spot. On Monday, your usual spot, on Wednesday at the other end of the parking lot, and on Friday, somewhere very public, or maybe close to your office window.


Motorcycles are unique in that they are free to move without power to the wheels or use of a key. It’s incredibly easy for a thief to pop your bike into neutral and wheel it away into a van or truck to make a quick getaway. If your bike has a steering column lock – use it! Should someone try to push your bike away, having the steering locked in position may deter or delay a quick getaway. Aftermarket motorcycle gear and wheel locks are fantastic, inexpensive ways to effectively stop the bike from being pushed or driven away and they come in a variety of forms.

Disc locks, for example, clamp on to the brake disc and work by a thick locking pin that travels through your rim. They’re compact, inexpensive, and easily stow away for travel. The only downfall is that wheels are easily removed – so they’re less effective if a thief wants to invest the time and effort into removing the wheel.

You can also invest in a good old-fashioned chain and lock combo tailored to the specifics of motorcycle security. These products are manufactured to withstand attacks from chemicals like liquid nitrogen, and make shape, strength, and girth their primary modes of defense. When looking for a motorcycle lock and chain, always look for a product that ensures the lock body is largely inaccessible to bolt cutters. Almax Security Chains from the UK is one award-winning product that’s both tempered and hardened to maintain maximum ductility, eliminating threats from hacksaws, sledge hammers, and wedge techniques. Simply run the lock in between the motorcycle frame and an immovable object like a lamp post or a tree.

Ground anchors are another form of lock that immobilizes a motorcycle and reduces the chances of theft. They’re perfect for the home garage or driveway, as they require the anchor itself to be set in concrete.


The motorcycle alarm is a long-standing staple of anti-theft technology that draws attention to the scene of the crime via an ear-piercing siren that ignites panic in thieves. With the alarm blaring, many a thief will be deterred and scared off and any by-standers will be alerted to the attempted theft.

Many alarms these days come in the form of disc locks, emphasizing their effectiveness with additional anti-theft concepts that help to combat the ineffectiveness of simply removing a wheel.

Some variations like the Xena XX10-SS Steel is a unique gear lock that immobilizes the bike’s gears so it can’t be moved, while simultaneously sounding a 120-decibel alarm. The Rupse Anti-theft Horn features a waterproof remote control that allows the owner to manually start and stop the motorcycle’s engine from afar, along with being able to sound a 125-decibel alarm. The MysBiker Silver Knight comes with a 14mm carbon-enforced locking pin, as well as a 1.5 meter coil cable that attaches to your bike’s clutch or brake.

There are a few ways to prevent your motorcycle from being stolen in the street, from your home, or from a parking lot and all of them can be implemented easily. The best part about investing in products and practices like those listed here is that they are economical, practical, and reliable.

Protecting your pride and joy with an anti-theft device not only helps you keep it around a little longer, but it’ll also will allow you to let loose and breathe a little easier when you’re not riding it. Less stress = more fun!