By Zayouna Law Firm

Spinal Injury - Zayouna Law Firm


A spinal injury is damage caused to the spinal cord of an individual, resulting in loss of function or mobility. Spinal injury can be caused by an accident or by disease. Consulting with a legal team about what rights an injured person may be entitled to can help alleviate financial burdens like medical costs, treatment costs, in-or-out-patient care, loss of wages, or pain and suffering.

Spinal injury law falls under The Workplace Safety and Insurance Act of 1997. An amended act stemming from a cornerstone Canadian Tort Law was brought into legislation in 1860. The law helps protect Canadians from financial anguish after they have suffered a serious spinal injury.

Spinal injury law is a mandatory clause and is required by all registered Canadian businesses. The clause allows business owners to protect their assets from the risk of loss caused by spinal injuries. This allows even liability by default to be handled by the insurance company instead of out of the business’s finances.

A spinal injury can have serious detrimental complications on your quality of life. It may severely impact your ability to earn wages, and pay for any treatments or medications that are required.

Why is a spinal injury law important?

Spinal injury law is legally in place so that you can develop a resolution with a liable party for damages you suffered as a direct result of the spinal injury. Your rights dictate that you can file a legal claim against an insurance company or a negligent party. As the claimant, you can also apply for permanent long-term disability if the circumstance warrants it once liability has been determined.

Having legal representation can help ensure your matter is dealt with promptly and fairly. As there are limitations in place: correctly filing and presenting your case takes skill and dedication to help you collect monetary compensation for any losses you have incurred.

Who uses a spinal injury lawyer?

If a negligent party has caused you a spinal injury, you may be entitled to a monetary settlement. The medical diagnosis of spinal injuries will always be classified as severe and will require the help of a medical professional.

Having a dedicated legal representative who fully understands the laws and requirements is crucial to your recovery.